Sentence reducing strategies
Smart house
In the article “Smart House” , Speak up 169, Schenke claims that in the future, thanks to technology, houses will be networked making things easier. Internet will connect electronic devices and they will have chips to control activities like housework, communications, shopping, bills or people’s social life. The disadvantages of having a networked will be that people will have to pay some extra dollars for the chips, the internet connection and the security measures to protect the system against cyber pirating. They won’t have to afford the mainteinace since the services will repair themselves. The money people can spend will not mean much considering all the benefits of having a smart house.
Page 199
This study went over 1,600 marginal and end comments written on 110 first drafts of eassys by 47 university ESL advanced students, considering the pragmatic goals for and the linguistic features of each comment. The eassys improved because of an examination of the drafts of each individual eassy which showed the influence of the first draft commentary on the students’s revision and asses the changes made to the teacher’s feedback. A proportion of the comments led to substantive student’s revisions and there were particular kind and forms of commentary that were helpful than others. The results suggest implications for L2 writing instruction and for future studies on a vital but surprisingly neglacted topic.
Great Summary Edd.!